
Terms of Use

These terms of use apply to your access to the Pro Steer Down Under website. By using this website you will be taken to have agreed to be bound by these terms of use. Pro Steer Down Under reserves the right to vary these terms of use at any time and will post any variations here. You are advised to review the terms of use on a regular basis as you will be deemed to have accepted variations if you continue to use the website after they have been posted.

Ownership of Rights and Limitation of Use

This website and its design, text, graphics and the selection and arrangement thereof shall at all times remain the copyright of Pro Steer Down Under. Third party copyright materials may be included on the website from time to time and these will be designated by that third party’s proprietary notice. The trade marks and trade names depicted in this website are proprietary to Pro Steer Down Under, or where other proprietary trade marks and company names are featured from time to time, these will remain the trademarks of their respective owners.

Commercial reproduction, distribution or transmission of any part or parts of this website or any information contained therein by any means whatsoever is not permitted without the prior written permission of Pro Steer Down Under.

Disclaimers of Warranties

This site is provided by Pro Steer Down Under on an “as is” basis. Pro Steer Down Under makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of this website or the information, content, materials, or products included on this site. To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, Pro Steer Down Under disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. Pro Steer Down Under will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this website, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental or punitive damages.


Links to other sites from this website are for information only. If you leave this website via a link, and view material that is not provided by Pro Steer Down Under, you do so at your own risk. The material to which you link has not been developed, checked for accuracy or otherwise reviewed by Pro Steer Down Under. Pro Steer Down Under is not responsible for any damages or losses caused by any delays, defects or omissions that may exist in the information provided in such site.

Storage of Information

We may collect and retain information about visits to this website. This information is used within the Pro Steer Down Under for statistical analysis and is not linked back to you as an individual.